This method is used to verify the status of the transaction. You can get the status using POST method to the API





There is also neccesary to add a header called authorization that will have a SHA256 value from the concatenation of: MerchantID + KeyMonnet

payinStartDateInitial date of searching (Date) (can't use current day, but current day -1 or any other past day)
payinEndDateLast date of searching (Date)
payinMerchantOperationNumberTransaction identifier (String)

"Get Status" body request examples

Example 1: Using all Parameters

data: {
  "payinStartDate": "2024-01-01",
  "payinEndDate": "2024-02-14",  
  "payinMerchantOperationNumber": "1234567890"  

Example 2: By date range

If search is to be made by date range both dates are mandatory

data: {  
  "payinStartDate": "2024-01-01",
  "payinEndDate": "2024-02-14"

Example 3: By Operation ID

If search is to be made by Operation ID it must be done as follows:

data: {  
  "payinMerchantOperationNumber": "1234567890"  

Example 3: All transactions

If all transactions need to be retrieve leave empty value for field payinMerchantOperationNumber

data: {  
  "payinMerchantOperationNumber": "" //empty value 

"Get Status" response example

    "payinMerchantID": "999",
    "operations": [
            "payinStateID": "5",
            "payinState": "AUTORIZADO",
            "payinAmount": "31980.0",
            "payinCurrency": "CLP",
            "payinMerchantOperationNumber": "1234567890",
            "payinID": "0987654321"